Whether I move away or not, it’s prudent of me to clean up the house — I’m starting the process of being merciless in the trashing of things I don’t need (note that this is distinct from don’t want, as that’s what got me into this state of packrattedness in the first place).
I’m torn, though, because there is plenty of stuff that I must get rid of, but is not really worthy of the trash. And I don’t know if I am the type of person to put things on eBay.
For instance, this morning I found, hidden on the top shelf of my linen closet, a “Star Wars” bedcover, circa 1977. I got it when I was 11. (My brother had a “Battlestar Galactica” cover.)
So, I’m thinking to myself: this artifact is really cheesy and probably belongs in the trash; and yet, some collector is probably pining to get his hands on it.
I also have other remnants of geekdom: a couple dozen “Dr. Who” novelizations from the early 1980s; a collection of TV Guides from the 90s featuring “Star Trek” in various incarnations; stuff like that.
What do you think? Is eBay the way?