Wanna see one example of the pervading sense of totalitarianism that made me flee Washington DC, my home of 38 years?
Take a look at this.
Wanna see one example of the pervading sense of totalitarianism that made me flee Washington DC, my home of 38 years?
Take a look at this.
I know, I’m harping on it, but so did Dubya: it’s that Clintonian method of bending words to fit what you mean. Bush used Clinton’s rather pathetic attempts to parse his way out of trouble as [more...]
Thanks to The Go Fish for this: evidently there is a plan afoot by the Bushies to re-write the rules governing overtime pay. More than 8 million workers in the United States will be ineligible for overtime pay under a [more...]
President Bush says – over and over – that he has not yet decided whether he will invade Iraq. Um, as we used to say in the 80s, exCUSE me? Ask anyone if they believe that – even the most hawkish [more...]