Just As I Thought

Picture pages picture pages

A few pics of stuff that I took fully intending to create blog entries around them… but now the urge has passed, so I present them with the original thoughts intact but no big editorial write up. Draw your own conclusions and make up your own complaints.

Now that the fundamentalists are in power, the TV networks seem to have decided to make the ratings BIGGER, since the whiny moralists obviously forgot they were there when they plunked their kids down in front of the set. Like everything else in life, a few people ruin it for the rest of us.

Meanwhile, instead of tinkering with the ratings, they should have hired a few proofreaders.

This is how I spent the end of last week: making 60 of these DVD packages.

I picked up a DVD set of “Newsradio” last week, and quickly noted the typo on the back… but then something else jumped out at me:

Generally speaking, DVDs in the US include English subtitles–but for some bizarre reason, this DVD set features an English soundtrack and Portugese subtitles. Oh, sorry, I mean Portuguese.
Boy, I enjoyed every minutee of these discs…

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