Which is more of a sign of permanence: the lease that I signed on this house, or the four tropical plants I just planted in pots on my patio?
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Well, strike me
Wow — a lot can happen while you’re deeply ensconced working on stuff. Take a moment to look around and you discover that your earlier rant about the possibility of Ronald Reagan’s demise came eerily [more...]
June 5, 2004
Jef Raskin
Jef Raskin, who is generally credited as the creator of the Macintosh computer, died yesterday. He was 61. Much of his work has been on the creation of “humane interfaces,” which points out a major [more...]
February 27, 2005
More reality in TV
I found tonight’s episode of Manor House to be very disturbing, with it’s footage of shooting birds and the serving of an entire head of a pig. Edwardian, yes. Something I really wanted to see? No. One of [more...]
April 29, 2003