If I ever feel skittish or remorseful after spending half a million dollars on an adorable little bungalow that’s in fantastic condition in a great neighborhood, all I have to do is take a look at the fantastic property that Dennis found.
If I ever feel skittish or remorseful after spending half a million dollars on an adorable little bungalow that’s in fantastic condition in a great neighborhood, all I have to do is take a look at the fantastic property that Dennis found.
Remember, oh, a year ago, when “The Weakest Link” was the big thing on TV? And then people started to lose interest in it? Well, now that TV is saturated with stupid, voyeuristic, and juvenile [more...]
So, I’m watching “Biography for Kids” because my dream man Ben Stiller is the subject (mmmmmm). They go to a commercial, and the bumper is all kid-like and colorful… then the commercial is for [more...]
Well, I’ll be damned. Here I’ve gotten used to a three hour delay for everything, and then just now I turned on the TV… and discovered that the Academy Awards™ has been on for 40 minutes, live. I [more...]