Hey! Today is the 214th anniversary of the ratification of The Bill of Rights.
Go out and exercise it, why don’t you?
Hey! Today is the 214th anniversary of the ratification of The Bill of Rights.
Go out and exercise it, why don’t you?
Mention of the war in Iraq clouded a House resolution marking the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and 16 lawmakers voted yesterday against the otherwise noncontroversial measure. Rep. Maurice D [more...]
It’s part of my mission to point out the endless hypocrisy out there, especially as it concerns the right wing. That’s why I pass along this tidbit via Fark and the Fox News Channel: John Edwards and John [more...]
The news is littered with stories about electronic voting machines these days, so much so that I wonder why any state or jurisdiction would even consider using them. More in today’s Washington Post: Four years [more...]