When you’re feeling depressed about the situation you’ve got yourself into, the distances and lack of employment; there’s something rejuvenating and cheering about a 65° Sunday in California, washing the car in the driveway and hosing down a sidewalk.
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My blog runneth over
I’m home this morning because I’m waiting for a Salvation Army truck to come take away a ransom in donations: coffee table, bed, bureau, console table, computer table, kitchen table & chairs, tv [more...]
May 5, 2004
Shopping for complaints
About 5 years ago – or so – a big Dutch company bought the Washington, DC grocery chain Giant. Ever since then when I go to Giant, I find something to annoy me. My family has shopped at Giant at least as [more...]
September 11, 2003
Sailing the High Accountan-cies
Ah, middle class American life. Millions of people around the world have no clean water, go without food or basic necessities, and live in abject poverty. Me? I spend thousands of dollars on frivolity. The first day of [more...]
January 1, 2007