Just As I Thought

Shroud over Turin

I don’t understand — why is NBC promoting the Olympics by using “Torino” instead of “Turin”? It’s not that I’m against using the native version of the name, but why haven’t they done it before? I mean, they didn’t promote the last Olympics using the name “Αθήνα” (Athena). Munich wasn’t called “München”. And what about “Ciudad de México”?
Just something going through my head today. Never mind.


  • Good question… I did a little Googling, and apparently when they made their Olympic bid, Turin officials requested that the city be referred to as Torino, and the IOC went along (making these Olympics the first in which the official city name is not also the English form). NBC followed the IOC’s lead, with Dick Ebersol adding that “Torino” romantically rolls off the tongue in a way that “Turin” doesn’t.

  • wink Hee, I’m like Katharine Hepburn operating the room-sized “EMERAC” computer for the TV research department in Desk Set. (Wacky movie.)

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