Just As I Thought

Spring Fever, Baby

This 74°, sunny and clear weather is a real drag. It’s almost impossible to just vegetate when it is so nice outside; this annoying energy that I seem to have is really cutting into my couch potato time.
But what can you do when the temp is so perfect in February other than gardening — cutting back honeysuckle vines along the fence that have grown undisciplined for three months… turn on the sprinklers and get the schmutz cleaned out of them… rake up dead leaves… wonder where those wasps came from and where they’re going…
I’ve been working non-stop all week on various freelance jobs, glued to my computer screen in a frenzy of revitalized design power — it has started to come back to me after such a long period of disuse, and now I’m creating and creating; I’m especially jazzed about a website that I’m designing that is just beautiful… and it won’t be live until March 31, so you’ll have to wait to praise me or condemn my CSS design skills.
I’ve got spring fever early… at least, for DC standards. I hear it is in the low 40s there with snow on the way tomorrow. Yeah, I kind of miss snow already, it was such a quieting, peaceful thing when it snowed and you were given license to stay indoors and have hot chocolate. I think that during snowfall, people look out their windows at their surroundings far more than they do any other time.
Except me. I sit here in my office with the French doors open wide, looking out at a peaceful sunny day, listening to the hummingbirds — I now know what their song sounds like.

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