Just As I Thought

And I thought I left him behind in DC

He’s coming.
He’ll be touching down in about six hours — thankfully, not at the airport 1/2 mile from my house, but farther up the peninsula at Moffet Field, although the one and only bright spot in this visit might have been seeing Air Force One land. He’ll be meeting with the Governator here in San Jose, and protestors are already gathering, both here in San Jose and up at Stanford. Of course, the police are there as well, and they are saying that they will be keeping the protestors far away from the target of their protests. Big surprise there.
This is like having been warned of a huge disaster about to come. Well, I should probably go out to the grocery store and stock up on provisions, then come home and hide under a table, with my fingers in my ears singing to myself and pretending he is not so close.

There’s a helicopter circling my neighborhood now, it’s been noisly flying over for the last half hour. Maybe they’re looking for me.

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