I’m just flabbergasted at this: The Equality Forum, which bills itself as the largest national gay and lesbian civil rights forum, is actually presenting a media panel that includes Jeff Gannon, the former prostitute who became famous as the mysterious right-wing shill in the White House press room. There’s no mention of this scandal in his speaker listing; instead, they make him out to be a real journalist — thanks to the Washington Blade, which flushed what little credibility it had by putting him on their staff.
I’m sure that people like Ann Gordon, the managing editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Katharine Sender, a professor at the Annenberg School of Communications are just thrilled at the prospect of sharing the stage with a paunchy male prostitute who evidently slept his way into the White House and then parroted this administration’s anti-gay rhetoric. I guess it was easier than digging up Roy Cohn, eh>