Oh my gosh — have you seen the new $10 bill? I got one in change today and didn’t even notice until now that it is yellow with “We the People” and the Liberty torch on the front. Cool! I like that our money is beginning to have some color, it will help differentiate the different denominations. And it just looks cool.
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The Adherence of the Repeated Meme
Seems like everywhere I look today, people are posting pictures of their workspaces. So, never wanting to be left behind, I present my own:
July 6, 2006
Credit to Apple? How odd!
I will establish my opinion right here: Apple makes great computers and a fantastic operating system. I am one of those Microsoft-bashing Windows haters. One thing that Apple doesn’t seem to be able to get right [more...]
February 27, 2003
No thank you, sir
Wondering what in the hell that last ringtone was? It’s a song from one of my favorite movies, Ja Zuster Nee Zuster — a wild, funny, wacky Dutch musical. You can see the U.S. trailer here, and the official U [more...]
December 11, 2004