Just wondering — does anyone know what the current Threat Level is? Do we still have one?
Did I predict that this stupid idea would fade away into obscurity quicker than the McDLT? I think I did.
Just wondering — does anyone know what the current Threat Level is? Do we still have one?
Did I predict that this stupid idea would fade away into obscurity quicker than the McDLT? I think I did.
I’m sure this will be permeating the blogosphere to the point of saturation almost instantly, but what the hell. From Harper’s via kottke.org, here’s the things that President Bush is not. The [more...]
Why, I wonder, does the media use the term “insurgents” in covering Iraq, when the correct term is almost certainly “terrorists?” in·sur·gent (n-sûrjnt) adj. 1. Rising in [more...]
Well, well. Isn’t it pleasing — in a horrible, horrible way — when your suspicions are proven correct? Like the suspicion that groups like the Christian Coalition are not interested in the antics of [more...]
Its Fuschia.
The US is on guard against anyone that likes pink.