I was just cleaning my countertop with “Powerized Windex”… and my mind flashed on “weaponized anthrax.”
This is what living in the 21st century has done.
I was just cleaning my countertop with “Powerized Windex”… and my mind flashed on “weaponized anthrax.”
This is what living in the 21st century has done.
From Richard Cohen’s column in the Post: Alchemy is the purported science of turning base metals into gold. It does not exist. Political alchemy is the ability to turn hard failures into gossamer triumphs. It does [more...]
I loved this NY Times op-ed by Gail Collins this morning… He’s Leaving. Really. By GAIL COLLINS Tonight President George W. Bush bids adieu to the American people. Excitement mounts. The man has been saying [more...]
The Bush administration has ruled through fear, making us believe (well, some of us at least) that there are terrorists around every corner, brandishing Ricin and Anthrax and nukular weapons. We discovered this was not [more...]