Just As I Thought

Can’t seem to get happy yet

I feel like I should be giddy, that “throwing the bums out” and witnessing a huge shift in power in this country should leave me elated — after all, isn’t that what I (and many, many others) have been waiting for, seemingly forever?
I mean, I should be uncorking the Dom Perignon that’s in the back of my fridge. (Don’t ask.)
Perhaps it just hasn’t sunk in yet. Perhaps I have been so downtrodden and depressed for so long that it hasn’t sunken in yet.
Perhaps it is all coming so fast and furious — first the House; then the downfall of Donald Rumsfeld; now the apparent win of the Senate. [Although, as I write this it is being reported that George Allen, the apparent loser in the Virginia Senate race, has woken a Federal judge asking to block the AP from reporting his projected loss — as usual, a Republican doesn’t like something so he’s ignoring the Constitution.]
Anyway, all this good news has me very suspicious, like a dog that’s been beaten. I’m afraid to poke my head out for fear that it will all be a ploy.

Update, November 9: I haven’t heard any more about the rumored Allen challenge on the AP story; this may just have been one of those wishful-thinking rumors by left wing bloggers and the like. Of course, the whole idea is silly — once the AP sent out that story, it couldn’t be “undone.”

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