What was with the creepy stage-managed Santorum concession — especially the scary younger daughter crying on cue, wearing the carefully selected all-American Little House on the Prairie gingham coordinates, and carrying a doll wearing the same outfit? What consultant costumed these people for this appearance? And were they trying to make her look 5 years old to illicit more sympathy? Creepy.
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Me tired. New USA exhausting.
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May 13, 2003
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February 1, 2006
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April 16, 2007
This probably makes us horrible people, but we were totally making fun of the Santorum offspring this morning at work for hysterics-fest during his concession speech. Seriously, we were howling with laughter over it.
Yes, it does make you horrible people. Deriving pleasure from a child’s pain? Yeah, that would be one of the definitions of “horrible person.”
I for one wasn’t trying to derive pleasure from a child’s pain; rather, I was trying to point out how these children were being used as props so cynically, all the way down to being costumed for the occasion.