Just As I Thought

More pots, more kettles, still black

Oh, that Robert Novak. His column today is headlined (in the Washington Post, at least): “Democrats Can Smell The Pork.” In it, he accuses the Democratic party of preparing to take power and usher in a new era of pork barrel spending.

As the House approached adjournment Thursday, Democrats signaled they may countenance a return to free and easy spending ways when they assume the majority Jan. 4.

What I find so amusing about this column is that he spends so much time laying the groundwork for his belief that the Democrats will, at some point in the future, be spending us into bankruptcy that he manages to pay scant attention to the last twelve years of Republican rule — wherein the Republicans managed to completely wipe out the largest budget surplus in history and spend us into the largest deficit in history, all the while presiding over the largest expansion of the federal government we’ve seen in generations.
But watch out, those Democrats that aren’t even in power yet are gonna waste your money.

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