Here’s a scene you would only see in Silicon Valley: this is an example of the magazines in the waiting room when I went to get a cholesterol test today at the Santa Clara Kaiser Permanente medical center…
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Our office — a private organization — will be closed tomorrow because federal offices are closed. Our policy is to follow the feds. Of course, this ‘national day of mourning’ will cost millions [more...]
June 10, 2004
George misses Martha
Sad news — Martha, the bald eagle, has gone. She was euthanized yesterday. Martha and George, her mate, were the unofficial mascots of the Wilson Bridge construction back home in DC. They lived on an island next [more...]
October 4, 2006
At last, I know who I am
Earlier today I heard a segment on “Talk of the Nation” about six-word biographies. I began thinking about how I’d boil myself down into six words, which just set me off thinking about how [more...]
February 7, 2008