My retirement accounts are with TIAA-CREF, which serves a constituency of educators and scientists. When I got my quarterly statement yesterday, I wondered: how many English teachers are correcting their statements, marking them with a low grade, and sending them back?
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When You’re Visited By A Copy of Yourself, Stay Calm : NPR
Yikes. I have plenty of migraines, but I’m happy to say that I’ve never had myself following myself around.
November 7, 2012
I’m getting tired of watching …
I’m getting tired of watching rude couples try to remove each others tonsils orally, in public, in front of a thousand other people. Nice.
December 28, 2009
Hearing things
Ever since I moved into my new office, I’ve been driven to distraction by the phone habits of the person in the next office. Not a co-worker, but someone who works in the company next to us on this floor. Through [more...]
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