Just As I Thought

Jose and Clara, exhibitionists

There is something fascinating about watching a falcon just lay there — animal voyeurism, I suppose.

There is something fascinating about watching a falcon just lay there — animal voyeurism, I suppose.
The falcon in question is nesting at San Jose’s big, shiny new city hall. Clara and her mate Jose took up residence there high up on the building, and now Clara is nestling in to incubate her eggs. San Jose has stuck a webcam out the window to monitor her progress, and even though all she does is lie there and sometimes eye the camera, it is all still very riveting.
And believe it or not, there are even some curmudgeons out there who are complaining that the city could have come up with a better way to spend a hundred bucks than to stick a webcam (albeit one that only does Windows Media) on the building. Frankly, this is the sort of interesting and human thing that I’d like to see more of from government. It definitely makes people feel good.
Oh, wait! She’s up and preening! Gotta go…

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