ohmygodohmygodohmygodOHMYGOD… it feels like it has been FOREVER since the future ended so stupidly. But in just one month… oh, bliss!
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42 Years Later…
It’s finally happening! The Hitchhiker’s Guide movie is filming! Hoorah!
How do I know? ‘Cos there’s a blog of the production.
May 12, 2004
Push to Talk
CNET News reports that Nextel’s future plans may include a global version of their Direct Connect service. Frankly, I can’t quite imagine the need to press a button to talk instantly with someone in, say [more...]
May 20, 2003
Oh, sweet! And yes, there’s a reference to the Hypnotoad–ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
They interviewed Katy Sagal on the radio the other day and she said they just wrapped the voice work on 18 episodes. About damn time!