Just As I Thought

I bet my blog is blocked in China

This Olympics is certain to go down in history as the most bungled ever, and I expect to see a bunch of resignations at the IOC.
Just this morning, as I listened to the news of the torch relay in San Francisco — what I’ve learned San Joseans call “The City” as if it were bigger and more populous than we are — it began to occur to me that so many bizarre decisions were made to bring us to this point.
First and foremost, the decision to hold the Olympics in China in the first place. Could the IOC not do a little forward thinking and predict what might happen?
And their choice of cities for the torch relay. Evidently they’re only going to one city in the US, and they picked San Francisco? If they were looking for a protest-free, politically unaware city, they really missed the mark. The only choice that would have been worse is Berkeley; but it hardly matters — folks from Berkeley can cheerfully take public transportation to the torch relay.
And then there’s the most egregious example of stupid thinking imaginable: the torch relay is scheduled to go through Tibet.
‘Nuff said.

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