Just As I Thought

As long as he doesn’t get married

Bwah? Is this real?

More than six in ten U.S. voters say they could support an openly gay candidate for president of the United States, and 70% say they’d support the appointment of an openly gay cabinet secretary, according to a new nationwide poll from Zogby International.

Sixty-six percent of poll respondents said they could support an openly gay vice-presidential candidate, while 69% said a gay candidate for U.S. Senate could get their vote. The poll of 1,089 adults was conducted August 13 to 15 for the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute (GLLI), a non-partisan leadership development organization. [Victory Fund]

There has got to be more to the demographics of this poll. We’re talking about an electorate that worries about a candidate’s income, what kind of underwear they wear, their wife’s job, the number of houses they own… and they think that 60% of Americans would vote for a gay president?
Kind of makes you wonder: it’s okay to elect a gay person to the highest office in the country, but dammit — they shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Ever.

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