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Liberal media, redux
Well, finally: the Washington Post today published a story on page A5 touching on the computer file incidents in Congress, saying that a Bill Frist (Terror Victim, R) staffer has resigned: The counsel on judicial [more...]
February 6, 2004
I guess he’s after the Hispanic vote
From Newsday: President George W. Bush arrived on schedule. He gave his speech. He moderated a panel of five people on a makeshift stage in front of a sign that said “Strengthening America’s Economy.” [more...]
March 12, 2004
If the blue dress fits…
So, here’s the story: a prostitute is signed in and out of the White House more than 200 times, some with no legitimate reason for being there. Some of the times, the logs show no exit time; others no entrance [more...]
April 25, 2005