Gosh, Volkswagen… needy much?
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It is safe?
I think I found this article via Jason Kottke, but it’s been sitting in my dock for a while so I’m not sure of it’s provenance. Anyway, it’s an illuminating look at SUVs and the idiocy [more...]
February 21, 2004
Oh, god, no.
Microsoft, Google could cook up deal That Microsoft (MSFT) approached Google to discuss a possible merger underscores a stark fact for the No. 1 software maker: It is playing catch-up in a three-company race for the [more...]
November 3, 2003
Microsoft’s marketing team must get paid by the word
I took a look at Microsoft's site. Here are just a few of the products from Microsoft's product list, making "Windows Live Hotmail" seem like shorthand.
May 18, 2010