Gosh, Volkswagen… needy much?
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Money for Nothing
It's sheer magic watching AT&T at work these days. The sleight of hand is astonishing, and I have a feeling it could only work in today's anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-truth, mathematically-challenged atmosphere [more...]
June 3, 2010
Is file sharing the culprit?
A New York Times article asks the difficult question: is internet file sharing really responsible for declining music sales? The music industry says it repeatedly, with passion and conviction: downloading hurts sales [more...]
April 7, 2004
Dude. Really.
Dell has just released what’s being called their response to the Apple iBook. Guys, the iBook has been around for about 4 years or so, and you’re just responding now? Problem with this new notebook is that [more...]
July 28, 2004