Airport sign: “Go Green! Recycle – look for the BLACK bins.” Color fail.
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Oh, hello there!
Far back, in the mists of ancient time, there existed a technology for sharing one’s thoughts, musings, memes, and other nonsense. You may have heard of it, if you’re over 40. The web log, or blog. The [more...]
April 12, 2023
You know what they say about dogs and children
This just struck me funny – from Lisa deMoraes’ TV Column in the Washington Post: [President] Bush’s much-touted first exclusive one-on-one since the war, with NBC’s Tom Brokaw, was beaten Friday [more...]
April 30, 2003
December 6, 2004
It’s a teeny, tiny world
Yesterday, on the advice of my “I’m not a doctor but I play one on the web” pal Jeff, I went in search of something called “Throat Coat” tea, hoping it would help quiet my lingering [more...]
July 9, 2003