Learn from my mistakes, #48: a low-cat, low-fat chicken pizza is worse than no pizza at all.
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Oh, hello there!
Far back, in the mists of ancient time, there existed a technology for sharing one’s thoughts, musings, memes, and other nonsense. You may have heard of it, if you’re over 40. The web log, or blog. The [more...]
April 12, 2023
One year ago, Glenn came home from a trip to the WGI nationals – a reunion of sorts with his old life. He was subdued when he returned, I had missed him for that short time he was gone and was a little worried. I [more...]
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March 13, 2009
OS X tannenbaum
This fun little app puts a Christmas tree in your dock which can be decorated as you like! Download Christi’s Tree for OS X free of charge!
December 5, 2002