Am I the only one who finds the Entertainment category here a little disturbing?
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The orderly (and boring) transition of power
So, what did you think of The West Wing‘s finale? I was disappointed. Bored, almost. It was not very compelling, nor did it tug at any emotional strings. Gee, will the president pardon Toby? Cripes, did anyone [more...]
May 15, 2006
Gotta get up pretty early in the morning
I miss my morning NPR routine. Back in DC, WAMU always had something on I wanted to listen to, from Morning Edition for a full four hours — until 10am — to Diane Rehm and All Things Considered, again [more...]
December 30, 2005
Maybe I just need Photoshop
Why diet? Why exercise? Just get yourself digitally altered. Like Keira Knightley, who’s photo was digitally “enhanced” on the King Arthur movie poster to give her bigger breasts, a tiny waist, and [more...]
July 9, 2004