Chutzpah: this morning waiting at the red light, the person in front of me decided they’d waited long enough after a minute & just ran it.
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Martin Short On Romney: The GOP ‘Seems To Fear Gays’ But ‘Have Fallen Head-Over-Heels For Big Stiff.
Martin Short on Romney: “I’m sure he’s a very nice man. I’ve never met him. I find it fascinating, though, for a party that seems to fear gays as much as they do, that now the Republicans have fallen head-over-heels for [more...]
June 5, 2012
Been sitting at my desk workin…
Been sitting at my desk working nonstop since I got home, and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything. Pft. That’s enough for today.
August 11, 2010
Day 1: News. Day 2: Entertainment.
Is anyone else bothered by the instant movie-of-the-week phenomenon that so enthralls television executives? From the AP: LOS ANGELES – NBC is hurrying development of a movie about the rescue of POW Jessica Lynch [more...]
April 12, 2003