You know what’s fun? Strolling around the office cubes and seeing screens suddenly change to something work-related.
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Sometimes the flies are worse than the…
Back in the dark, distant past, I used to work on an estate in upper Northwest Washington, DC. One day, U.S. Marshals started to swarm the grounds, putting up a large fence around the entire property and issuing badges [more...]
April 30, 2007
Hey, 20-something guy with the…
Hey, 20-something guy with the 4″ diameter earlobe holes – you look like a 1960s Natl Geographic cover. Good luck finding a job in your 30s.
August 28, 2010
Censorship at work
Have you seen the new GE commercials? The ones that do away with the slogan “We Bring Good Things To Life” in favor of “Imagination At Work?” At the end of the commercials, a series of iconic [more...]
January 27, 2003