What is with the flood of spam I’m getting on Twitter suddenly, even after I went private? If this continues, Twitter fails big & I quit it.
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Love how the GOP decries Senat…
Love how the GOP decries Senate votes “in the middle of the night.” Um, you guys did it all the time, remember? Hypocrites.
December 21, 2009
Broad daylight, middle of the …
Broad daylight, middle of the day, some guy is going thru my neighbor’s recycling bin for bottles. I don’t know why this bothers me so much.
May 29, 2011
In the dark
For hours this morning, starting at, oh, 3am or so, the power has been fluctuating at my house. I know this because every time it goes out then comes back on, there’s a sound which makes it seem like more than an [more...]
December 16, 2003