Disneyland’s 2010 promotion: volunteer a certain no. of hours in your community, get a free Disneyland ticket. Cool!
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From Gang Member To Hip-Hop Church Leader : NPR
While I was listening to this story, and their favorable comparison of churches as an alternative to gangs, I couldn’t help but think of the analogy a little more deeply. It seems to me that when one looks at the [more...]
December 13, 2012
Maybe reading by candlelight would be more efficient?
Last month I wrote about an experiment in the UK that involved getting people around the country to turn off their lights at a specific time… which they called off because of the possible disruption of the [more...]
October 20, 2007
Debunked: Here’s the Explanation for the ‘Made in China’ Romney Hat You’re Seeing on Facebook
Thanks to Jim Pearl for debunking this meme. Never let it be said that I passed on lies about Romney. [Place snide comment about Romney’s lies here.]
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