is contemplating a server upgrade… it’s time / / / etc. got some attention.
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Seems like OBL was irrelevant …
Seems like OBL was irrelevant at this point other than as a martyr. So, hey, well done, but does this embolden his followers?
May 1, 2011
“Fake” Regular Prices Return to J.C. Penney
Ron Johnson brought prices down at JCP to great deals. But customers for some reason didn’t like this and stopped shopping there. Now that he’s gone, prices are going up so that they can then be “sales [more...]
June 11, 2013
TV notes
Watchin’ a bit of TV on Sunday evening, and had a few comments – what else is new, eh? Saw a commercial for Bank of America, where a woman ducks her head into a barbershop and asks, “Is there a Bank of [more...]
July 6, 2003