Why did the Dems rebuke Joe Wilson? Now they’ve just given him a spotlight he never had. He was a nobody, now he’s a center of attention.
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And they got Al Capone for tax evasion
I could have entitled this entry “Maybe he was watching for the real killers.” O.J. is back in the news: A U.S. District Judge in the Southern District of Florida has ordered O.J. Simpson to pay DIRECTV [more...]
July 27, 2005
Sorry, Family Guy fans – wtf w…
Sorry, Family Guy fans – wtf was that clip of a baby beating a dog to a bloody pulp… SHOWN ON THE EMMYS, NO LESS? Not funny. Not at all.
September 21, 2009
RT @maura32: It’s not the heat…
RT @maura32: It’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity.
June 28, 2010