Hmm. The emergency repair to the Bay Bridge last month just fell off it and onto some cars. Emergency repair to the emergency repair?
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News of the obvious
Two stories from the front page of the Washington Post today, drawing radical conclusions:
D.C. Gap In Wealth Growing
Uneducated Suffer Most, Study Shows
Greenspan Says Workers’ Lack of Skills Lowers Wages
July 22, 2004
The website that watches you back
I was perusing my server logs today. Here’s some of the amusements to be found within: There are tons of people, mostly in MySpace and various forums, who are hotlinking directly to images here on my blog [more...]
April 17, 2008
Mmm… that’s family values
Rather than show that liberal crap — you know, the convention — Fox tonight is airing a reality show that is actually–I am not making this up–called “Trading Spouses.” If the [more...]
July 27, 2004