Just As I Thought

Like most Republicans, he had his fingers in his ears singing “blah blah blah”

Boehner: Health Care ‘Greatest Threat To Freedom I’ve Seen In Last 19 Years’

Boehner: Health Care ‘Greatest Threat To Freedom I’ve Seen In Last 19 Years’
House Minority Leader John Boehner addressed the tea party crowd on Capitol Hill today, telling them that health care reform is “the greatest threat to freedom” he’s seen as a congressman.

“This bill is the greatest threat to freedom that I’ve seen in the 19 years I’ve been in Washington,” he said.

Which freedom?

“The freedom to buy health insurance on your own,” and choose your own doctor, he said.

He also called town hall protests this August a “rebellion.”

“The town hall rebellion wasn’t about one political party or another. It was a simple statement by Americans that they love our country,” he said.


During the last decade we’ve had spying on citizens, monitoring communications, imprisonment without charge, warrantless searches, disregarding of constitutional rights and freedoms… and Boehner thinks that daring to ensure that everyone has health care is the biggest threat to freedom he’s seen? Is he saying that people who love their country don’t think that everyone should be able to afford to be healthy?

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