Oooh… not only is there a new Lowes on Coleman Ave (I could walk if it wasn’t for train tracks) but there’s gonna be an In ‘n Out, too.
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Karl Rove-style dirty tricks in Ohio
One more for today, then I’ll stop. 😉 But this one is worth reading.
October 27, 2012
Talkin’ about this generation
As I stood this afternoon at the intersection of Haight and Ashbury streets in San Francisco, a Motorola RAZR mobile plastered to my ear, speaking over the Cingular network, wearing a black t-shirt and jeans from Old [more...]
August 7, 2005
I’m sure Apple’s kicking themselves over it
I was just reading yet another rant on a forum about the iPad, wherein a commenter derides the iPad 3G and closes by saying, “Apple just cost themselves $130 of my money.” I’m sure Apple is bereft at [more...]
May 3, 2010