Trapped in the middle of a long queue for Indiana Jones… and I have to go to the bathroom. Tantalizingly close to the jungle river…
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Sorry, I’m cranky without sleep
If I do say so myself, I am a considerate neighbor. I keep the noise down, I keep my yard clean, and generally take care of my neighborhood. That’s not the case with the other people around me. For instance: the [more...]
July 22, 2005
Monday (formerly known as Maunday)
Why is it that every time a news reader mentions Myanmar, he must include the disclaimer “formerly known as Burma”? Is that now it’s official name? Myanmar Formerly Known as Burma? Why did they bother [more...]
April 19, 2004
San Jose’s ‘Chili Finger Lady’ accused of cooking up new yarn involving son’s gun charges
Lesson: people do not change.
February 22, 2013