Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
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ReConstitution 2012
Really fascinating take on the debates – read the live transcript as it happens, and the system highlights such things as dubious numbers, bullish outbursts, and gloomy outlooks.
October 16, 2012
Splling optionl
Two signs that I see on my way to work each morning. I promise one day I’ll pull over and take pictures: “PREARE TO STOP AFTER LEFT TURN” “HOSPITAL ENTRNCE AHEAD” Lately, I’ve also [more...]
April 14, 2003
Shorty Greasy Spot Spot
I don’t know why I was so worried about turning 39 — for my birthday, I got a box of chocolates, and now my face has broken out and instead of looking 39, I look like a 16 year old getting ready for the prom.
August 21, 2005