Rachel Maddow: “for opponents of gay marriage, their first victory was earning the right to not be seen in public making their case.”
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#Report: Jamaican Gay Teen Chopped To Death By Angry Crowd
MT @Freudenschade: “Jamaican gay teen chopped to death” – The only thing more depressing than this is the coments.
August 7, 2013
The Tiny Town Where the “Electrosensitive” Can Escape the Modern World
In other news, if I wash my car, it will rain. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
August 12, 2013
I hate fireworks
Not the professional kind, that light up the sky, but the little cheap ones you buy at roadside stands and set off at home. It’s a quarter to 3 in the morning on July 3, and some ass has been setting them off [more...]
July 3, 2004