What’s on SiruisXM 40s on 4: “Stompin’ at the Savoy.” What’s on SirusXM 80s on 8: “Manic Monday.” This tweet valid at all times, everyday.
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Yawn… 3.1? I thought it was …
Yawn… 3.1? I thought it was the dog turning in his sleep.
March 27, 2010
Sorry, I’m cranky without sleep
If I do say so myself, I am a considerate neighbor. I keep the noise down, I keep my yard clean, and generally take care of my neighborhood. That’s not the case with the other people around me. For instance: the [more...]
July 22, 2005
Tokyo’s 3D printing photobooth lets you turn yourself into an action figure
Every time i read a story like this i desperately want to go to Japan.
November 11, 2012