Oh, great… Another helicopter circling the neighborhood in the wee hours. Where am I living, LA?
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Fly the cheap skies
I am heading down to San Diego at the end of the month to help out at a conference; I thought it might be a good opportunity to put the top down on the roadster and drive ala James Dean along the coast (albeit somewhat [more...]
November 7, 2007
Ex-Mich Guv Granholm to Mitt Romney: Stop lying about saving auto industry (VIDEO)
“As the former Guv of Michigan during the darkest days of the auto industry, Jennifer Granholm admits that she has “a particular animus” towards Mitt Romney, who “”knifed us in the back when Michigan was on its [more...]
May 9, 2012
RT @dorothysnarker: Thrilled t…
RT @dorothysnarker: Thrilled the Republican House fixed the economy by telling women what they can & can’t do with their bodies. Oh, wait.
February 18, 2011