Still no internet at my house downtown in the largest city in No. Ca. 2 miles from the western backbone. Way to be redundant, Comcast.
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Damn. Reset the digital clock …
Damn. Reset the digital clock by my bed last nite only to discover now that it also reset itself. Now I’m TWO hours ahead and confused.
March 14, 2010
Important Customer Security Announcement (Adobe Featured Blogs)
“Cyber attacks are one of the unfortunate realities of doing business today. So, we are eliminating boxed software and forcing our customers to open themselves to cyber attacks and theft of their financial [more...]
October 3, 2013
Orson Scott Card Worries About Obama Turning “Urban Gangs” Into His Personal Police Force
I guess he discovered that being a gay bigot didn’t work out that well for him, so he’s decided that being a racist bigot is a better idea.
August 17, 2013