Side by side, iPad: 5 bars 3G, 1 bar wifi. iPhone: 1 bar 3G, 5 bars wifi. Ooooookay. Don’tcha think it would work better the other way?
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Richard Cohen: Terror among the rich
“Romney reportedly hauled in more than $3 million from the terrified rich who, living in their various versions of a seaside Versailles, fear the socialist inclined mobs and their fiery and supposedly radical [more...]
July 10, 2012
If we went on vacation leaving…
If we went on vacation leaving as much work unfinished as Congress did our boss would fire our ass. PS: we are the boss. (@BorowitzReport)
December 21, 2011
oh, hey! in just one year it’l…
oh, hey! in just one year it’ll be 10-10-10! cool! isn’t that amazing? wow! let’s make it into a big deal, why don’t we? woo! yeah!
September 9, 2009