Apple says Flash causes more Mac crashes than anything. That’s ‘cos most people aren’t running Motion, the crashiest app Apple ever sold.
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San Jose Best City To Work In; Glassdoor Employment Satisfaction Report Card By City | Glassdoor…
Hold on a minute. The report lists San Jose as being home to Google, LinkedIn, Agilent, Intel and Apple.
None of those are in San Jose.
Just sayin’.
June 22, 2013
So, we got a full hour for the…
So, we got a full hour for the Doctor Who premiere, but they took time away from the rest – eps are 5 minutes shorter this year. 🙁
April 24, 2010
Yay! AppleTV update today brin…
Yay! AppleTV update today brings back the missing descriptions!
May 11, 2011