So, Smokey can’t take Locke’s form unless Locke is dead. What happens when sideways-Locke comes to the island (with the other alt-Losties)?
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Day 1: News. Day 2: Entertainment.
Is anyone else bothered by the instant movie-of-the-week phenomenon that so enthralls television executives? From the AP: LOS ANGELES – NBC is hurrying development of a movie about the rescue of POW Jessica Lynch [more...]
April 12, 2003
RT @seanbonner: Am I the only …
RT @seanbonner: Am I the only one who thinks it’s hilarious that Sarah Palin keeps calling Assange “un-American”? I mean, you know, sinc …
December 8, 2010
Political message on church sign stirs sentiment in Leakey
Once again, time to yank some tax exemptions. Plus, what morons.
October 22, 2012