I wonder how much data could be stored in the tiles on my dentist’s ceiling, with the grid of 23 x 23 random dots.
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Tonight on a very special “Blossom”
“Operation Iraqi Freedom – Target: Iraq – A Special Edition of NBC Nightly News.” There was another tagline in there somewhere that I forgot. Now, is it just me, or does this sound like one of [more...]
April 7, 2003
RT @dptronz: Biden uttering th…
RT @dptronz: Biden uttering the F-word? I’m sure that’s nothing compared to the shit Jefferson shouted while writing the Declaration of …
March 25, 2010
OK, you east coasters. Keep yo…
OK, you east coasters. Keep your mouth shut – Lost doesn’t air here for another 3 hours.
February 2, 2010