Whenever I get an email from someone’s Blackberry, I can’t shake the feeling that it was sent from the men’s room.
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Gay Republican Group Calls Obama Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage ‘Offensive and Callous’
There’s a way for the Right to spin anything. The odious Log Cabin Republicans say that Obama’s announcement was “offensive and callous” because it came a day after North Carolina’s [more...]
May 9, 2012
Poke my eardrums out
It’s day two of the fan. Yesterday, one of the fans in the Mac here in my office which runs our website started to whine. Loudly. Annoyingly. (I decided this morning that it sounds like a swarm of metallic cicadas [more...]
January 6, 2005
The 5 most and least expensive cities to buy a house
OMG, what have I done? San Jose is the MOST EXPENSIVE Metro in which to buy a home – New York City is #5!
I have the mortgage to prove it.
October 11, 2012