Want a metric on how busy I’ve been with work today? Both my iPad and iPhone still have a 100% charge at 2:50pm.
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The glass is two thirds full
I can always find the down side to anything. For example: I’ve been trying to restrict my calories because I simply eat too much high-calorie junk. But what I’ve discovered is that by eating less and eating [more...]
May 26, 2006
Making pointless even more pointless
Today Apple is expected to preview “Panther,” it’s new OS release. They’ve already previewed one part of it – an “upgrade” to the iDisk service of .Mac. People have long [more...]
June 23, 2003
So, Democrat Richard Blumentha…
So, Democrat Richard Blumenthal weaseled out of Vietnam – maybe he should just run for Vice President like GOP weasel Richard Cheney.
May 18, 2010